
Budgeting doesn't work well for you? Me either! Want a hack that WORKS? Bucket your money - and simplify your spend.


Get a 7-page workbook and learn how to find the four numbers that help you work your money into your goals now!


Stop stressing and simplify your budgeting!!

It’s all about intention, attention, and motivation.

And it starts with four numbers you can get today.


Hi! I'm Hadassah Damien, and I'm sharing the exact workbook I've used with hundreds of students in my Fearless Money Management courses to walk them through a simple process that provides the light-bulb moment around money.


The A-HA! moment. You know the one, where it all clicks and makes sense?


That's what I do: money management for folks who aren't sure if money is their thing.

Trust me, having helped hundreds of other people with this system I can tell you:


You only need to get four numbers to make sense of your budget -- grab this guide to learn how NOW!

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