Money Like You Mean To

Group workshop + coaching

It’s time to move on your dreams, and make money support your goals. It’s time to get a values-based strategy for your finances.

Get over fear and inertia and focus on your financial self-care for one week in the Money Like you Mean To workshop! The workshop is $150 (with sliding scale $80-$200) and includes two Sunday workshops, exercises, and optional group coaching sessions during the week between sign up here.

Upcoming workshop dates:

  • May 11-18, 2025
  • Jul 27- Aug 3, 2025
  • Oct 26 – Nov 2, 2025

You will:

  • Focus: Identify, prioritize, and focus on your financial goals
  • Get live support! A kickoff+discovery workshop + 3x group coaching for one week + an alignment and wrap-up session
  • Work a plan: Seven modules in the workshop + a toolkit to guide you and keep you motivated and confident after the workshop ends
  • Right relationship & good people: Progressive, intersectional, values-first approaches — and new friends 🙂

“… this has been a huge help so far.

“I’m feeling confident and ready to roll out these new systems.”

“I really appreciate the course I took with you and it helped me demystify a lot of money concepts.” 

– workshop participant feedback

1 – you sign up for a week when you have some time available to focus.
2 – The week-long workshop kicks off with a 90-minute goal-setting and reality-adjusting session on a Sunday.
3 – Then over the next week, three days (M,W,F) have optional 30-45-minute coaching check-ins. Ask anything there, or just listen/learn!
4 – Daily email prompts with exercises + a toolkit keep you learning.
5 – We conclude with a 60 minute wrap up the following Sunday.

Money Like you Mean To is designed to be a game-changing kickstart for you to make moves on your financial dreams in a community-learning setting and it’s sliding scale $80-$150-$200 – what’s up community <3

Sign up for an upcoming cohort here.

This group work is for you, if you’re:

If any of these are true:

  • Working and earning enough that you’ve got more than “bare minimum” – and need to figure out how to use what you’ve got and/or get more!
  • Have savings or a nest egg you want to use for your goals – but you need to know which goals and how much to prioritize to each!
  • Deciding how much to save or put towards a few things you have in mind
  • you are self-employed and you want to understand how much money you’re making
  • you want to examine your business model
  • you want to understand how to better organize “the money stuff” for your business
  • If you want to get a REAL look at your money ins and out, and challenge yourself to spend intentionally
  • Need to get questions answered and get inspired by and learn with others
  • Looking to make meaningful moves and take action!

This group work is not best for you, if:

  • You’re not in a place to do self-directed, autonomous work
  • You’re struggling to make ends meet – we’re generally going to work on plans for money you have available to work with, so if all your money is already accounted for, there’s parts of the workshop that won’t be so helpful

Money Like You Mean To workshops let you pick your focus

People take this workshop to:

  • learn about money in an inclusive, progressive, anti-capitalist lens [where it’s still ok to make money and want to care for your needs and goals]
  • as a refresher and motivator after a previous 1:1 session.


  • Kickoff [90 minutes] Sunday 2:30-4p ET / 11:30a-1 PT
  • Optional open space coaching sessions* [30-45 min] Monday and Friday – Noon or 12:30 ET / 9a PT and Wednesday 7p ET / 4p PT
  • Wrap up [60 minutes] Sunday, 2:30p ET / 11:30a PT

*sometimes an open space session timing has to change – you’ll get invites to all the sessions about a week in advance so you can know for sure and block time out

Sign up here to get financially focused in Money Like you Mean To.

There are max 15 spots per cohort. This program runs every 2-3 months on a sliding scale.

The workshop is $150, with sliding scale available @ $80 for lower-income/historically marginalized folks and $200 for folks with high-paying jobs/inherited wealth/family or partner support.


“I’ve been slowly checking off all the adjustments we outlined together, It’s been an incredible process: I’m already seeing some awesome returns… I feel really fucking powerful.” – LE 

“I can’t believe how many questions you answered for me and how clear and simple you made things seem. I feel super motivated and excited!” – KF

What happens in the workshop

Sign up here