Trauma-informed money practices Based on a conversation I had with a client recently, I’ve been thinking about trauma-informed frameworks. Specifically, I’ve been thinking… November 19, 2017May 17, 2018
10 Middle class money mistakes Middle class money mistakes & high indicators you spend like you’re middle class (whether you are or not) As a… October 15, 2017May 17, 2018
Make/Shift Interview: Money is an Anti-Capitalist Feminist Issue I had the pleasure of getting interviewed by the fiercely smart labor activist, feminist, artist, and writer Jessica Lawless (… June 23, 2017May 17, 2018
Snapshot of you: class experiences & gender Teaching people personal finance means getting intersectional and granular really, really quickly. For every constant (an interest rate), there's a variable… April 20, 2017May 17, 2018
Shared Money: art projects, homes & more I talk with a lot of artists, couples, and collective houses about the variations of accountable and transparent money sharing… March 20, 2017May 17, 2018