Meet me at the library! I've always LOVED the library: it's where I went as a young weirdo in those murky pre-internet days to learn… February 28, 2018May 17, 2018
Making awesome money habits and practices Learning practices and instituting habits to make your finances better and simpler are a major source of strength - and… January 21, 2018May 17, 2018
Money Steps: What to do next on your financial journey Start off with your next money step! It's time to slow down, take awesome care of yourself, and start your… January 2, 2018April 10, 2018
Divest/Invest Series: Fiduciary Strategy to Divest from Fossil Fuels Divesting from Fossil Fuels: the Movement's Strategy In a recent article in Nature, the author brings in scientific models which… December 1, 2017December 2, 2017
Virgo season got you feeling productive and practical about money? You’re in good company, and this is a GREAT time to flex your financial organization abilities. Here are the exact… September 8, 2017September 8, 2017
Context Matters in Your Financial Health Our health context is created in part due to our environment, and partly due to our choices. While we cannot… June 27, 2017June 27, 2017
How to have enough pt 2: Real Constraints vs. Mindset Shift *Insert me gazing at a stately brick townhouse* “Awww man, I’ll never have one of these.” This was approximately the… May 23, 2017May 23, 2017
Would Henry Rollins be a FI guy? Financial Independence, YMOYL and the privilege to DIY your way to early retirement "Money train. Money train. Sometimes I too wanna get on and ride just like you. Sometimes I'm just like you,… March 31, 2017April 3, 2018
Funding The Dream As winter wears on, I have thought a lot about exactly what it would take to go live in a… March 12, 2017March 12, 2017
Protected: Kicking Assets: Managing Capital Gains Taxes Here's a scenario: you invest in a stock/mutual fund, or a property, or some other asset. That asset goes up… February 19, 2017March 7, 2017