Freelancer Financial Success 101 I currently work as part of a worker-owned cooperative and run the bookkeeping and financials at my company. I have been a freelancer… January 6, 2016March 2, 2016
Give in to Holiday Spending by Blowing Money on Your Future I’ve achieved a total-square state of peace and accomplishment by taking care of one financial item for myself as part… December 29, 2015January 27, 2016
Credit Disputes and Debt Let's be honest: credit reports can be stressful and there are few comparable feelings to knowing a collection call could… December 14, 2015May 8, 2017
Investing 101: IRAs, ROTHs, Individual Accounts This is a very short explanation, and many nuances are glossed over - but it's the basics! Here is a… December 8, 2015May 17, 2017
Automagical Saving & Investing Saving money is energetically telling yourself you will have and deserve a future. It creates possibility, including the possibility of… December 2, 2015
Credit Score + Credit Card I was recently asked, "I just got offered an AmEx with a bonus of $750 in gift cards if I… November 3, 2015May 8, 2017
If you owe back taxes check out Fresh Start Coming out of Obama's office is an initiative called Fresh Start, to help people who owe less than $50,000 in… November 2, 2015November 8, 2015
I need free help! Ack! I’m too broke for this but I need help! Trust, I understand. You can take one of the small biz classes… October 30, 2015November 30, 2016