Making awesome money habits and practices Learning practices and instituting habits to make your finances better and simpler are a major source of strength - and… January 21, 2018May 17, 2018
Money Steps: What to do next on your financial journey Start off with your next money step! It's time to slow down, take awesome care of yourself, and start your… January 2, 2018April 10, 2018
Building a Powerful Money Mindset to Resist Scarcity This time of year, where in the western hemisphere it’s darkest longest and we’re furthest from the sun, is one… December 22, 2017December 22, 2017
Divest/Invest Day 4: Liberatory practices and self care around money For the fourth day of our Divest/Invest series, I got a chance to hop on the phone for a live… November 28, 2017May 9, 2018
Trauma-informed money practices Based on a conversation I had with a client recently, I’ve been thinking about trauma-informed frameworks. Specifically, I’ve been thinking… November 19, 2017May 17, 2018
SRI Roboadvisors: divest your invest easily [Resources updated Jan 2021] So you have a little extra? It’s time to think about 10...20...30...40 years from now. It’s… October 13, 2017February 1, 2021
Resilient Donations: Your Giving Plan & Donor Examples Let’s Make a Resilient Giving Plan Ok, you read the last article (and have done your budgeting) so you’ve got… October 5, 2017May 15, 2018
The Equifax Data Leak Part 1: Secure Your Credit, it’s Simple *grab the infographic here!* As many people know, one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, experienced a data breach… September 10, 2017May 9, 2018
Virgo season got you feeling productive and practical about money? You’re in good company, and this is a GREAT time to flex your financial organization abilities. Here are the exact… September 8, 2017September 8, 2017
Best Practices for Student Loans in Collection Having a student loan go into default sucks - I know because I ignored my loans until they went into… July 31, 2017July 31, 2017