US Military Spending data There’s a classic antiwar poster in the early 2000s activist lexicon that communicates what my lawyer wife calls a “bad… October 18, 2023October 19, 2023
What is “enough money”? Figuring out "enough" is tough: What is enough? Most people can’t define this Why imagine enough? Because it interrupts individualistic… September 25, 2023November 18, 2023
Should I be buying offsets for my carbon footprint? After this intensely climate-change summer and the Sixth UN IPCC report giving us our final reminder take climate action now,… September 14, 2023September 25, 2023
Lefty self-sabotage memes Raise your hand if you or someone you know: might associate suffering with The Good Work I Must Do (Even… August 23, 2023August 25, 2023
Student Loan Update July 2023: IDR Adjustment and onramps to repayment starting Student loan update! Even though the US Supreme Court struck down the first plan for forgiving some $10-20k of student… July 16, 2023July 19, 2023
Pride 2023 LGBTQ financial pulse check As far as I'm concerned, Pride means Fight For Others. It means Advocate Like Hell for Dignity for All. And… June 23, 2023June 23, 2023
The lives of our dreams Hot take: making the lives of our dreams out of nothing is not easy BUT it is easier than making… June 16, 2023
How financial coaching works I’ve coached over 850 individuals and couples, on personal finance, their small / solo businesses, and on collective projects over… June 9, 2023
Life > deals What if we bought things with the intention to support workers and pay the true cost of the thing, rather… May 21, 2023June 9, 2023
ESG is not woke nor is it anything but analytics First, what’s happening? Staying unrelatable, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed some vague legislation that the state can’t use ESG criteria… May 11, 2023May 11, 2023