The journey to creating an online class… or four. I am a nerd, and a media artist, and a teacher. This means that I want to do a LOT… July 12, 2017July 17, 2017
Make/Shift Interview: Money is an Anti-Capitalist Feminist Issue I had the pleasure of getting interviewed by the fiercely smart labor activist, feminist, artist, and writer Jessica Lawless (… June 23, 2017May 17, 2018
Financial Advisors Outside the Dad Zone There's a reason I started publicly talking about money management, and I'm about to break it down. I get a… June 14, 2017June 14, 2017
Cash Money: Mo Money Mo…Money? This one is for all my bartenders, strippers, waitstaff, event producers, and cash-getters. Y’all got MONEY! And that money is… June 10, 2017June 14, 2017
How to have enough pt 2: Real Constraints vs. Mindset Shift *Insert me gazing at a stately brick townhouse* “Awww man, I’ll never have one of these.” This was approximately the… May 23, 2017May 23, 2017
Student Loans: A stats brief I can't stop researching the student debt crisis and I need a statistics degree, send help. Look I'm a nerd… May 3, 2017April 30, 2018
Would Henry Rollins be a FI guy? Financial Independence, YMOYL and the privilege to DIY your way to early retirement "Money train. Money train. Sometimes I too wanna get on and ride just like you. Sometimes I'm just like you,… March 31, 2017April 3, 2018
Shared Money: art projects, homes & more I talk with a lot of artists, couples, and collective houses about the variations of accountable and transparent money sharing… March 20, 2017May 17, 2018
Is Socially Responsible Investing Actually Responsible? What's Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)? In short, it's investing in companies that are actively or adjacently doing some form of… March 19, 2017March 20, 2017
Divesting & Hacking Capitalism Events Want to get out of harmful investments? Frustrated by how banks are using your money? Angry at an unfair system?… March 17, 2017July 3, 2018