Get ready to talk money with a partner, friends, roommates… Be ready to talk about money. Talking about money with the people we care about can be amazingly helpful, and… March 4, 2018August 26, 2018
10 Middle class money mistakes Middle class money mistakes & high indicators you spend like you’re middle class (whether you are or not) As a… October 15, 2017May 17, 2018
Snapshot of you: class experiences & gender Teaching people personal finance means getting intersectional and granular really, really quickly. For every constant (an interest rate), there's a variable… April 20, 2017May 17, 2018
Shared Money: art projects, homes & more I talk with a lot of artists, couples, and collective houses about the variations of accountable and transparent money sharing… March 20, 2017May 17, 2018
Five Smart and Five Regretted Choices Made In My 20s While I Was Broke I was broke in my 20’s. Like food bank, selling plasma, no family net, sh*t was real, broke. And even… March 7, 2017
How to Have Enough: Go Get The Money Recently something I'd been looking for my whole life happened. I spotted a $20 just sitting in an ATM… February 12, 2017February 12, 2017
Social aid, susu, tithe & outsider means of community financial support One thing I've learned working in software is: if you have a problem, you're probably not the first one to… January 15, 2017January 18, 2017
#myfirstsevenjobs The #myfirstsevenjobs thing is both intense and interesting. I've always worked the hell out of working since, well, where the… August 10, 2016November 23, 2016
Class Pass, adj.: to appear as a class you’re not. There's an ad I keep getting sent that's for a gym membership called Class Pass and it makes me laugh every… July 27, 2016November 14, 2016
How Did Student Loans Become Debt Sentences? In the US, we're numbed to economic bulls*** that people in other countries simply won't stand for. Our repeated exposure… April 1, 2016April 1, 2016