Be honest: for most of us, money is loaded.
- Whether you have money or don’t
- Whether you have loans or debt or wealth
- Whether you believe you should or shouldn’t want money, or do or don’t deserve money
- Whether you’re a freelancer, an employee (or both!), or not working
- Whether you’re sorting money with a partner, a roommate, a collective, or just on your own
Handling your money and sorting your finances will make your life less stressful. And,
You can make your financial life work better and be in line with your values!
I see people doing it every day, and I learned how to do it too.
Hi, I’m Hadassah Damien.
I write this blog, teach classes, share online classes, coach people and design custom workshops, and write guides and ebooks for progressives.
What you’ll find here at Ride Free:
- Fearless money management live finance classes for individuals, couples, freelancers, and you great weirdos.
- Fearless Money Course Lab: on-demand online classes
- Tips and tricks money blog & financial resources.
- One on one coaching: one-off or month-long packages.
- A bi-monthly newsletter with resources, media, ideas and cute quotes
- Quarters Club, a monthly meetup and resource library
~ Popular Posts ~
- A lot of people are into the Money Hacks + Hacking Capitalism series, and you want to know how to make divesting worth your time.
- Many folks also enjoy the article on using and creating sliding scale.
- Lots of you read about ethical investing and sharing money
- …and people seem to love stories about my sordid 20s. 😉
I want you to stabilize your money because:
one less stress point means you can do more of what you’re actually on the planet to do (hint: it’s not to balance a checkbook.)
Especially for women, queer folks, people of color, artists – we all deserve stability.
Stabilize it now because interest adds up and I want you to take care of yourself and your communities — not big banks.
Ready to be proactive on your finances? I got you. Read up, grab a free e-course, talk about it, take a video class, reach out for one-on-one help.
~ Resources to check out ~
Partners Make Peace and Plans with Money Toolkit
Calm That ACK! Budget & Save Money Online Course
Fearless Freelancer Small Business Money Skills Online Course

It can be challenging to engage about finances, because money isn’t a neutral topic. It’s loaded with assumptions, with opportunities, with experiences. It can bring up fear, sadness, shame, pride, excitement. Money touches buttons related to class, family, culture, need, desire.
Furthermore, at least in many communities I’m part of, sharing about personal finances and any relationship to money means having to do a careful dance around the elephants of capitalism, globalization, gentrification and greed. Money has become equivalent with systemic decimation.
However, not talking about money – and not dealing with our money [or money problems] doesn’t halt systemic decimation. Instead, the WASP-y middle-class value of silence takes the place of useful information — information which might help make lives less stressful and more sustainable. Information which put you in the drivers’ seat.
So, saying “money is not neutral” is perhaps, an understatement.
I should know: I was raised by a single mom and we lived below the poverty line. I went to community college, then to the University of Toronto. I stayed in Canada afterwards doing medical tests for money and avoiding my student loan default calls. When I returned to the US, I realized if I wanted a life that wasn’t ruled by money stress and fear, I had to get my financial self together since I have no family net to fall on. I dealt with my loans, started a business, cleaned up my credit, committed to saving — and even though I earn a nonprofit-level salary I’m working on buying a house.
I taught myself how to be fearless about money by learning how it works.
And the more I tell people my stories, the more they ask me how? How did I clean up my credit? How did I save a down payment? How did I get a motorcycle while I was not at a salaried job? I am truly excited to share strategies and knowledge, and help other people get their plans together.
Ready to get your fearless self on?
I want people who feel discouraged, overwhelmed, confused, or disempowered about their financial situations to have a chance to do right by themselves. I want folks who are movers and shakers to be able to create solid financial bases to be their baddest and most brilliant from. I’m especially excited to work with progressive groups, “nontraditional” couples, women and LGBTQI people.