Divest/Invest Day 3: The history of debt and how to beat it

About 40% of adults in the US are in consumer or student loan debt. 2 out of 5 people. No wonder it seems so normal.

However, life in debt doesn’t feel normal – it feels freaking stressful. Aside from the stress, the knowledge that your debt is going to a banker profiteer feels pretty bad. What are they doing with your money?

Debt hacks, I went live on FB Sunday 11/26: check out the video here.

If you want to get out of debt, it’s time to face it, make plans, and take action. Here’s a short video outlining the number one thing you need to do in order to beat debt:

Whether you have debt or not if you want to get more irritated by the history of debt, the next video is for you.

Debt originated with the socializing indebtedness that strengthened the fabric of society, but it’s become a monolith engineered to extract money. Here’s how debt looks right now in the US:

These videos are segments of Hacking Debt: A One-hour video class to beat debt is available online here.

Want more info on hacking debt?

Each day through Sunday Dec 3, I’ll share a live video or interview on fb and my blog for you to learn ways to use your money that are smart, strategic, and matter.

You can get started with a free course on bank divesting, and I’m encouraging folks to take at least three actions over the challenges’ 10 days. Share your progress on social media using #HackingCapitalism to win!